

Meet Jared Hedglin ’09

Poly’s Alumni Association Board of Governors (BOG) leads in developing strategies for engaging and growing a vibrant alumni community.

Here are five questions for its president, Jared Hedglin ’09.

Please tell us a little about yourself.

I was born and raised in Windsor Terrace, Brooklyn. I grew up playing soccer, which I played through Poly and Amherst College. I currently run my own Web3 Consulting shop, and have been working in the cryptocurrency industry since 2018.  I am a massive Manchester United, Mets, Jets, and Rangers fan, and try to go to at least one game for each of those teams every year.  I currently live in Brooklyn Heights with my wife Madeleine, who I met at Amherst College just weeks before I graduated.

What motivated you to become BOG president?

Poly is more than just a school to me. My experience there not only afforded me academic opportunities, but also helped me grow as a person, as an athlete, and as a friend. At Poly I was the Head of the Honor Council, was a member of the Blue Key Society, gave school tours to prospective students and families, and played multiple varsity sports. Once I graduated from college, I wanted to give back to Poly any way that I could, and that started by joining the Alumni Board of Governors. Being a part of this group of active alumni has been incredibly rewarding and the opportunity to positively impact the school, and its current and future students, was all the motivation that I needed.

What’s your vision for the BOG?

My vision is to engage with alumni and continue to forge new and strong bonds between each other and the school. Our mission on the BOG is to further meaningful and ongoing relationships between alumni and Poly, represent the interests of the members of the Poly Prep Alumni Association, and build closer bonds among alumni. With the help of my fellow BOG members, and the executive committee members Ayisha McHugh Nelson ’12 (BOG Vice President) and Jon Krasner ’94 (BOG Secretary), I believe that we can re-engage with alumni on a new level.

How do you plan to bring alumni from different Poly eras together?

We are always looking to engage with alumni across different eras and classes, but connecting digitally is an incredibly quick and easy way to interact across generations. Whether we are highlighting friends or alumni-owned businesses on the Poly Alumni Instagram page, or if we are posting new networking and mentoring content on the new Alumni Portal, it has never been easier to connect with more Poly alumni.  We will always look to bring folks back to campus through Homecoming, Reunion, or events like Art Showcases and plays, but the new digital tools allow Poly alumni to come together in many different ways.

Favorite Poly memory or experience?

I was fortunate enough to captain the Varsity Boys’ Soccer team to two NYSAIS state championships and one of those is definitely a favorite memory. I’d have to say the first Championship in ’07 that we won under the lights at St. John’s field, in the pouring rain, and secured by Brady Williams’ ’10 first goal of his high school career in sudden death is a memory that I’ll never forget.

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